Poststr. 4 - 69115 Heidelberg - Tel. 06221 - 673 43 21 - Kinderarzt - Hautarzt - Allergologe


By the dual residency training of more than 10 years duration, Dr. Pleimes especially qualified for all matters related to infant and adolescent skin, congenital as well as acquired skin, nail and hair disorders in neonates, infants and adolescents.

Additional professional experience further improved his professional skills in the field. Dr. Pleimes was senior physician at the departments of pediatric dermatology of the University Children’s Hospital of Zurich. A constant high level of expertise is guaranteed by regular visits of natinal and international congresses as well as regular presentations held.

Our young patients therefore have access to the latest scientific findings and treatments in pediatric dermatology.

Leider müssen wir mitteilen, dass aufgrund des Umzugs unserer bisherigen Kooperationspraxis eine Sprechstunde in Frankfurt nicht weiter angeboten werden kann. Besuchen Sie aber gerne unsere Hauptpraxis in Heidelberg. Hier stehen zudem gerade für Spezialfälle, aber auch für spezifische Schulungen bessere Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. more »

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