Poststr. 4 - 69115 Heidelberg - Tel. 06221 - 673 43 21 - Kinderarzt - Hautarzt - Allergologe


Our goal is to care for you as a patient / and your relatives as optimally as possible. For this reason we believe that next to highly qualified expertise, time is important.
Many skin diseases are often a complex expression of changes of the immune system or part of other external and internal factors. My aim is to provide sufficient time to each patient and the family to highlight all necessary and important details of your individual problem and create a customized treatment plan for your child / for you.
The treatment in the pediatric dermatologic practice is open to all patients, regardless of insurance status. But the pediatric dermatologic practice is a private practice. For public insured patients it is important that the services provided are in part included in the general health insurance catalog and thus would be reimbursed if treated by a public health system licensed physician.
Public health system insured patients however shout contact their insurance company prior to visiting us. Often part of the cost will be covered, since there is a lack of other options to see a pediatric dermatologist.

Can I afford a self-pay practice?
Especially for chronic skin diseases parents and patients often have visited various institutions including general practitioners, anthroposophic clinics or homeopathy.
The fees of a private practice are calculated on basis of the Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ), which lists for most procedures certain point values. These transfer into the amount that has to be paid. The point values are increased by a factor, depending on the effort, duration and complications of each procedure - up to a maximum of the 3.5-fold.
Without any reimbursement from your health insurance the amount to be expected is an average cost of 100 to 180 Euros. This usually includes a detailed pediatric and dermatological medical history, examination and therapy. Short visits, controls or therapy adaptations lie below. Additional treatments, very extensive visits (> 45 min.) eg for more complex diseases, surgery or laser treatments will lie above this.
We can inform you in advance in detail.

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