Our online video consultation is now on line. As previously, you can request appointments by using the contact form (see below), e-mail or phone. We'll get back to you and discuss the options. Due to the current Conrona virus pandemic and the current recommendations from the government and health authorities, it ist important to reduce physical contacts if possible.
We try preventing the virus from spreading further.
In certain cases, a physical presentation in our practice or at your pediatrician may still be necessary. We will be happy to advise you.
Information on how to access to the online consultation via laptop computer or cell phone / tablet will be sent to you by e-mail. The further process is then usually easy and possible without any further IT skills.
Please make a note: "online consultation" in the field "your message".

Outpatient pediatric dermatology Heidelberg, Dr. Pleimes: Poststr. 4, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Office hours:
only with prior appointment
Tue 09:00 am till 17:30 pm
Wed 09:00 am till 13:00 pm, afternoon medical cosmetics only with prior appointment
Thu 09:00 am till 17:30 Uhr
Fri 08:00 am till 12:00 Uhr
Please contact us by telefone:
Tel .: 06221 673 4321
Please leave your name and phone number on the answering machine if you will not reach us directly. One of our team will call you back promptly, undisturbed by other duties.
Alternatively send us your inquiry via the contact form:
Datenschutz ist uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. To protect your personal data is very important for us. Please read our data information. Die Informationen, die Sie uns bei Ihrer Kontaktaufnahme zur Verfügung stellen, werden nur verarbeitet, um Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Sie werden im Anschluss daran unverzüglich gelöscht; alternativ dazu schränken wir die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten entsprechend der gesetzlichen Vorschriften zu Aufbewahrungspflichten ein. Es erfolgt keine Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte.
Directions office Heidelberg
Our practice is located in Poststrasse 4 very close to the Bismarckplatz. Parking can be found for example in (P1) Poststrasse (If your car is higher than 1.8m you can park on the upper / outside deck). Precise information about parking, see http://parken.heidelberg.de
Access to practice is from the side entrance. We are located on the 3rd floor. An elevator is available.